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作者:admin  发布时间:2010/9/25  阅读次数:3132  字体大小: 【】 【】【
()1.This is your koala, I think.                A.Yes, come in,please.
  ( ) 2.May I have this school bag?                 B.No, I can’t.
  ( )3. May I come in. Miss Wang ?               C.Sure. Here you are.
  ( ) 4.Can you see the toys?                           D.No, it isn’t. It’s a rabbit.
  ( ) 5.What is this on the desk ?                     E.Yes, it is .
  ( ) 6.Is this a bear ? Guess.                           F.It’s a photo.
1.             I’d like this koala, please. Here you are.     ___________________
2.             This is a cat .I think. No, it isn’t . It’s a tiger.________________
3.             What’s that on the desk? It’s a pencil._________________
4.             May I have a school bag?_______________
5.             Your five fat dogs are on the desk ._______________
6.             Here’s a card for you . Happy Teachers’ Day ! _____________________
1.             这是什么?这是一只兔子。
2.             那是什么?那是一只老虎。
3.             我想,那是你的故事书(story book ).
1.get girl     2.book no     3.hot here     4.fat five       5.I this     6.ball bag
1.             is your bottle where water (?)
2.             me excuse storybook this is my (?)
3.             what’s Nancy there over that (?)
4.             your that storybook is(?)
5.             in perhaps TV room the she’s(.)
  A. Look at my pencil .   B.Look at your pencil.
  A.Good afternoon!     B.Good morning !
  A.Come here, Cai Yun. B.Come here, Lin Tao.
  A.Time to go to class.   B.Time to go to bed .
  A. Stand up ,please.       B. Sit down,please.
1.A. Where is ()dog ?                                 3.A.What is that ( )there ?
   B.It’s on my bed .     ( you, your ,a )         B.It’s a crayon.   (over, is , on )
2.A.Where is his pencil?                         4.A.Where’s ( )umbrella ?
  B.It’s ( )the basket.   (on, a, in )               B.It’s on the desk.( an, her, he )
1.一只热狗                           2.进来                                       3.请原谅              
4.早晨好                               5.看一看                                   6.Draw a picture
7.How lovely                         8.I don’t know                           9.in which box ?
10.Happy Teacher’s Day !
1.             What’s that over there ? It’s a   panda.
2.             What’s this the desk ?
3.             Can I have a look? Sure .
4.             What that in your pencil case ?
5.             May I have that notebook ?
6.             Where ‘s Liu Tao ? He’s in the classroom .
7.             Is this your water bottle ? Yes ,I am .
8.             The girl get up and eat a hot dog .
1 A. Excuse ___,is this ______storybook?       2.A.Hello,Mike .______Liu Tao?                            
B. No, it ______.                                               B.Sorry ,I don’t know.____he’s in _____
A.I’m _______,but ____my storybook?         A.Is Liu Tao _____,Mr Green?(No,he isn’t, He’s in the ______,I think)
B.Look, it’s ______                                         A. Liu Tao , _______you ?
A._____you.                                                     C.Hey, I’m _______.
Bike, bottle, pen, ruler, cat, bus, lion, Nancy, David, Tiger ,brush, plane(飞机),
Mike ,Bobby, fan, jeep (吉普车),notebook ,panda, purse, koala, key, rubber
1.             dog__________________________________
2.             book_________________________________
3.             car____________________________________
4.             Helen____________________________________
5.             umbrella______________________________________
1.一只铅笔包。             2.一只圆珠笔。         3.一本故事书。   4.我能看一眼吗?
5.没关系。                   6.非常感谢您!           7.抱歉,我不知道。8.这个用英语怎么说?
A.           It’s nice. I like it.     B.OK.   C. Let’s color it.     D. Look at my kite .
E. Yes.             F.Su Yang , come here .please.   G.Do you like it ?
1._____   2.______ 3.____ 4._______5.______6._______7._______
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