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作者:admin  发布时间:2010/9/25  阅读次数:4767  字体大小: 【】 【】【
  I.  Listen  and  choose  (选出你所听到的内容,用A、B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内)10%
  (  C    )  1.  A.  bake                          B.  bread                            C.  break
  (    B    )  2.  A.  buy                            B.  by                                C.  bye
  (    B    )  3.  A.  dive                            B.  diver                          C.  driver
  (    C    )  4.  A.  feed                            B.  feel                            C.  feeler
  (    B    )  5.  A.  shake                          B  shark                            C.  shaker
  (    B    )  6.  A.  towel                          B.  tower                          C.  tall
  (    B    )  7.  A.  train                            B.  tram                            C.  trunk
  (    A    )  8.  A.  October  ninth            B.  October  nineth            C.  October  nineteenth
  (    A    )  9.  A.  red  light                      B  read  and  write              C.  right  now
  (    B    )  10.  A.  Don’t  bring  your  cat  here.          B.  Don’t  bring  your  pet  here.
  C.  Don’t  bring  your  cake  here.
II.  Listen  and  complete  (听录音,完成下列句子)5%
  1.            There  is  a  Fish  Aquarium  in  Zhongshan  Park.
  2.            That  uniform  is  cheap.  I  like  it.
  3.            Look,  that  monkey  can  peel  bananas.
  4.            May  the  second  is  my  best  friend  Lily’s  birthday.
  5.            Mr.  Li  is  a  zoo-keeper.
  III.  Listen  and  choose  (听问句,选择正确的答句)5%
  (    B    )  1.  A.  In  Shanghai.                B.  In  Beijing.                  C.  In  Hong  Kong.
  (    A    )  2.  A.  Yes,  they  are.                B.  Yes,  there  are.            C.  No,  there  are  not.
  (    B    )  3.  A.  July.                              B.  August.                      C.  September.
  (    A    )  4.  A.  At  the  restaurant.    B.  In  the  swimming  pool.    C.  In  the  jungle.
  (    A    )  5.  A.  Fifteen.                          B.  fiveteen.                    C.  Fifteenth.
  IV.  Listen  and  number  (根据你听到的顺序,给下列句子编号)10%
  (    2    )  I’m  going  to  visit  the  Li  River.
  (    3    )  I  know  this  place.  It’s  in  Guilin.
  (    1    )  Chinese  New  Year  is  coming.  Where  are  you  going?
  (    5    )  How  are  you  going  there?
  (    4    )  Yes,  it’s  very  nice.
  (    6    )  By  plane.
  (    8    )  I’m  going  to  stay  there  about  three  days.
  (    9    )  Have  a  good  time.
  (    7    )  How  long  are  you  going  to  stay  there?
  (    10    )Thank  you.
  V.  Listen  and  choose(根据你所听到的内容与问题,选择正确的答案,用A、B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内)5%
  (    C    )  1.  A.  13.                                B.  14.                                              C.  27.
  (    C    )  2.  A.  2.                                  B.  3.                                                C.  4.
  (    B    )  3.  A.  8:30                              B.  10:45                                        C.  11:15
  (    C    )  4.  A.  The  black  one.            B.  The  green  one.                        C.  The  red  one.
  (    C    )  5.  A.  26  yuan.                      B.  39  yuan.                                    C.  65  yuan.
  VI.  Listen  and  write(听录音,填入所缺单词,完成短文)5%
  A  moth  is  an  insect.  It  lays  eggs  on  a  leaf.  The  eggs  are  small.  The  eggs  become  small  black  caterpillars.  The  small  caterpillars  eat  leaves  and  sleep.  Then  they  become  yellow  caterpillars.  The  yellow  caterpillars  eat  leaves.  They  eat,  sleep  and  grow.  Then  they  become  white  caterpillars.  They  are  silkworms(蚕).  This  silkworm  is  big  and  fat.  It  makes  a  little  house.  It  is  white.  It  is  beautiful.  It  is  a  cocoon.  Look,  it  opens.  A  moth  comes  out.  It  lays  eggs  on  a  leaf…
  I.  Read  and  write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号,要求格式正确,书写整洁)10%
  sam  wants  a  big  packet  of  french  fries  that  ones  too  small  he  doesnt  like  it
  Sam  wants  a  big  packet  of  French  Fries.  That  one’s  too  small.  He  doesn’t  like  it.
  II.  Read  and  choose(读一读,选出每组单词中划线部分共有的音标)4%
  (    B    )  1.  My  mother  cuts  the  cakes  with  my  brother.      A.  /?  /      B.  /Λ  /      C.  /  D  /
  (    A    )  2.  Tim  gets  up  at  six  o’clock  in  the  morning.                    A.  /  I  /        B.  /e  /      C./?  /
  (    A    )  3.  The  girl  is  washing  her  skirt.                                                            A.  /  з:/        B.  /?  /      C./  I  /
  (    B    )  4.  Look,  he  is  cooking  the  good  food.                                      A.  /u:  /        B.  /u  /      C.  /e  /
III.  Read  and  write(根据提示完成句子)5%
  1.            January  is  the  first  month  of  a  year.
  2.            One  month  has  28  days  in  a  year.  It’s  February.
  3.            Carrots  and  cabbage  are  not  fruit.  They  are  vegetables.
  4.            Twenty-two  plus(加)  seventy-eight  is  one  hundred.
  5.            When  we  invite  our  friend  to  come  to  our  party,  we  often  write  an  invitation.
  IV.  Read  and  choose  (选择题,用A、B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内)10%
  (    B    )  1.  A  fly  has  four  __________.
  A.  heads                    B.  wings                C.  legs
  (    A    )  2.  The  Teacher’s  Day  is  ________  September.
  A.  in                          B.  on                        C.  at
  (    C    )  3.  The  Lis  ________  going  to  the  Country  Park.
  A.  am                        B.  is                          C.  are
  (    C    )  4.  These  are  the  rules  _________  the  swimming  pool.
  A.  in                          B.  of                        C.  for
  (    B    )  5.  There  are  seven  subjects  ________  Friday.
  A.  in                          B.  on                        C.  at
  (    B    )  6.  That  is  a  map  ________  Hainan  Island.
  A.  in                            B.  of                        C.  for
  (    B    )  7.  There  are  three  classrooms  and  two  toilets  ________  the  third  floor.
  A.  in                            B.  on                        C.  at
  (    C    )  8.  We  have  our  lunch  ________  a  quarter  to  twelve.
  A.  in                            B.  on                        C.  at
  (    B    )  9.  It’s  eight  o’clock.  Ben  and  Danny  are  walking  ______  the  bus  stop.
  A.  at                            B.  to                          C.  on
  (    B    )  10.  My  father  goes  to  work  ________  underground.
  A.  take                        B.  by                        C.  with
  V.  Read  and  write  (用所给的词的适当形式填空)10%
  1.            ---Listen,  who  is  singing  (sing)?    ---Oh,  Tm  is.
  2.            My  brother  likes  to  eat  (eat)  hamburgers.
  3.            The  goldfish  lays  (lay)  some  eggs  in  the  river.
  4.            ---Does  the  cat  chase  (chase)  mice  (mouse)  at  night?  ---Yes.
  5.            ---Can  I  have  some  (some)  milk?    ---Of  course.  Here  you  are.
  6.            The  children  (child)  have  their  (they)  lunch  at  school.
  7.            Miss  Fang  teaches  us  (we)  English.
VI.  Read  and  write  (根据要求完成下列句子)6%
  1.  Giraffes  don’t  like  crocodiles.  (改成单数)
  The/A  giraffe  doesn’t  like  the/a  crocodile./A/The  giraffe  doesn't  like  crocodiles.
  2.  Pick  the  flowers.  (否定句)
  Don’t  pick  the  flowers.
  3.  Don’t  smoke.  (换一种说法,意思不变)
  No  smoking.
  4.  I  have  got  99  yuan.(对划线部分提问)
  How  much  money  have  you  got?
  5.  I  like  the  purple  and  black  one.  (对划线部分提问)
  Which  one  do  you  like?
  6.  Janet  and  Simon  are  going  to  Ocean  Park  by  bus.  (对划线部分提问)
  How  are  Janet  and  Simon  going  to  Ocean  Park?
  VII.  Reading  comprehension  (阅读理解)10%
  A.      Read  and  judge  (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示,填入括号内)5%
  The  monkey  and  the  crocodile
  One  day,  a  little  monkey  is  playing  on  the  tree  by  the  river.  A  crocodile  comes  and  he  wants  to  eat  the  monkey.  But  he  can’t  climb  the  trees.  So  he  says  to  the  monkey:  “Little  monkey,  do  you  like  to  eat  bananas?”  “Yes,  I  like  bananas  very  much.  Where  are  they?”  The  little  monkey  asks.  “They  are  over  there,  at  the  other  side  of  the  river  (河对岸).  Please  come  down  and  sit  on  my  back(背上).  I  can  take  you  there,”  the  crocodile  says.  The  little  monkey  sits  on  the  crocodile’s  back.  Suddenly(突然),  the  crocodile  dives  into  the  river.  The  monkey  is  afraid  and  he  asks  the  crocodile:  “Please  don’t  dive  into  the  river.  You  know  I  can’t  swim.”  “Ha,  ha,  I  want  to  eat  your  heart(心),”  the  crocodile  says.  The  little  monkey  is  very  afraid  but  he  is  clever(聪明的).  He  says  to  the  crocodile:  “Why  don’t  you  tell  me  earlier(你为什么不早点告诉我)?  I  haven’t  got  my  heart  with  me.  I  put  it  on  the  tree.  Please  take  me  back  (回到)to  the  tree  and  I  can  give  you  my  heart.”  “OK”,  the  crocodile  takes  the  monkey  back  to  the  tree  by  the  river.  The  monkey  jumps  down  of  the  crocodile’s  back  and  runs  to  the  tree  very  quickly.  The  crocodile  is  waiting  in  the  river.  The  little  monkey  throws  a  big  stone  to  the  crocodile  and  says:  “Hey,  Crocodile.  Here  is  my  heart.  Catch  it!”
  (    F    )  1.  The  Little  Monkey  is  playing  with  the  crocodile  on  the  tree  one  day.
  (    T    )  2.  The  monkey  wants  to  eat  bananas.
  (    T    )3.  The  crocodile  wants  to  eat  the  monkey’s  heart.
  (    T    )  4.  The  Little  Monkey  is  clever.
  (    T    )  5.  The  crocodile  is  not  clever.
  B.  Read  and  choose  (根据短文,回答问题)5%
  1.  What  is  the  monkey  doing  one  day?  The  monkey/He/It  is  playing  on  the  tree(by  the  river).
  2.  Can  the  crocodile  climb  the  trees?  No,  it  can’t./No,  he  can’t./No,  the  crocodile  can’t  climb  the  tree.
  3.  What  does  the  monkey  like  to  eat?  The  monkey/He/It  likes  to  eat  bananas.
  4.  Where  is  the  crocodile  waiting  for  the  monkey?  The  crocodile  is  waiting  in  the  river./He’s  waiting  in  the  river./It’s  waiting  in  the  river./In  the  river.
  5.  Are  the  little  monkey  and  the  crocodile  friends?  No,  they  aren’t./No,  the  little  monkey  and  the  crocodile  are  not  friends.
  VIII.  Read  and  write  (根据英文提示谈谈你对植物——花的看法,要求用三种以上句型,意思连贯,语法正确,全文不少于五句话。)5%
  Do  you  like  a  flower?  What  has  it  got?  How  is  it?
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  • Miranda Lambert is my favourite country singer. She is young, beautiful and charming woman in her 30s. Her voice takes me away from all troubles of this world and I can enjoy my life and listen songs created by her mind. Now the singer is on a Roadside Bars & Pink Guitars Tour started in September of 2019 featuring Maren Morris, Ashley McBride and others. The concerts scheduled for this year, up to the end of November. Ticket prices are moderate and available for all men and women with different income. If you love contry music, then you must visit at least one Mirandas concert. All tour dates are available at the a href=https//mirandalambertconcertdates.comMiranda Lambert concert list/a. Open the website and make yourself familiar with all Miranda Lambert concerts in 2020!

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